Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Literature notes , pg 24

1. " However, China had nothing to say to my spirit, if indeed land speaks to spirit. My spirit was an alien here as I was. It inclined towards a diamond city of trees and meaningful occupation, efficiently sparkling in the modern world. That was where I truely belonged, among skyscrapers with glass fronts and gold-encrusted orchids."

Do you think the reference to Singapore as a " diamond city " is apt?
Why or why not? How would you describe your feelings towards Singapore, using imagery you feel suitable?

I think the reference to Singapore as a " diamond city " is apt.
It is trying to say that Singapore is filled with expensive things and that Singapore is a relatively modern country. It can be proven from the above reference. Quote from the the above is " skyscrapers with glass fronts and gold-encrusted orchids.". It is evidence for my answer as skyscrapers with glass fronts and glod-encrusted orchids are really expensive and not many people in Singapore is even able to afford them other than the Singapore government. But it does not mean that not a single person can't afford it at all. Therefore, I think that the reference to Singapore as a " diamond city " is apt.

Firstly, I feel that Singapore is like a bee as it is small in size. However, Singapore may be small but it provides with useful products from factories like new inventions that may be useful in our daily lives, just like how bees provides us with their honeys.They are also hardworking and are loyal to the Singapore's government, just like how the bees are loyal to the queen bee.

Secondly, I feel that Singapore is like a ball. Whenever Singapore comes face to face with a problem, it will be as if the ball is falling down. However, the ball will bounce back up even higher and stronger, meaning to say that Singapore will overcome the problem and find a way to make things better than before.

2. " With great grandness, my uncle ordered orange drinks from the waiter. He criticized the glasses as dirty when the drinks arrived and insisted on new ones.....I kept buying him the orange drinks he swallowed with such relish."

Why do you think her uncle behaves in this manner? Do you feel sory for him or do you regard him with distaste, as his niece does?

I think that her uncle behaved in that manner as he wanted to act like a high class person who would not drink from a dirty glass even though he was not of high class statue. I do not feel sorry for him but regard him with distaste, as his niece does.

3. "I returned to Singapore alienated from the China I saw, but no less egar to listen to my father's stories of the most beautiful of beautiful lands."

Do you find this a contradiction? Why or why not?

I do not find this a contradiction. The China which the author had alienated from was the present China. However, the China which her father tells story about was the China in the past and from his memories. They are not exactly the same China which the author had heard about and seen with her own eyes. Therefore, it is not a contradiction.

4. "A country is only as good as its men. My father is a good man....whichever country can claim him as its own."

What do you think the narrator means by the first statement?
To what extent would you agree that her father is a good man? Give reasons for your answers. Which country, do you think, should claim him for its own?

I think the narrator meant by the first statement that for a country to be as good as it is, its citizens first have to be as good as they want their country to be.
I agree to a large extent that her father is a good man.
Reasons are that although he was living in Singapore, he still thought of his brother in China and even sent money to him. He had not returned to China in the past in interest of his family eventhough he wanted to as he felt ashamed ashame that his younger brother would serve family interests far better than he could, and resolved not to displace such a duitful son by returning himself.

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