Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lit Dec Holiday hw...

Story: Evening Under Frangipani

Prakash is having intense fear about the interview and showing physical sighs (pg 47)
Elaine is talking about an issue of marriage imposed by the society (pg 49)
Elaine cursed her foolishness at allowing literature to interfere so discordantly in the moment of romantic fulfilment. (pg 58)

When Prakash joked about Elaine’s father’s hands being like beetles (pg 62)
Open ending

He is a nervous-wreck (during job interview , pg 47)
He is competent (pg 48-49)
She is a feminist (pg49-50)
She is caring (pg 53)
3)Elaine’s father
He is not judgemental (pg )
He is passionate about insects (pg 55)

The most interesting segment is when…
Prakash went for the interview as he should not get too nervous that he sweat so much and his armpits were circled in sweat and should have more confidence in himself.

Story: Lee

lee and her father argue about her walkman matter (pg 87)
Lee asked her father why he never wrote (pg 91)
External conflict between lee and her father (pg 91)

When lee’s father found lee and Holden Mankiewicz in his bedroom (pg 103)
Complete resolution

she likes music a lot ( listens to music wherever she goes, pg 87)
she is a sarcastic person( the way she talks to he father, pg 87)
2)lee’s father
· Does not like attention (pg 98)
· he easily gets jealous (got jealous when lee talked about Piscopo, pg88)
he dresses like a trucker(pg 89)
he sometimes get a bit of a pretentious creep(pg 89)

The most interesting segment is when…
Lee visited her grandmother during the family reunion. Her grandmother was very happy to see her and lee talked about everything she does in her country.

Story: A History of Tea

When grandmother did not want to see aunt sherrie even at her death bed (pg 115)
When grandmother felt that she had made a mistake towards her parents (pg 117)

It is when grandmother was ashamed when what she had done is repeated to her (pg 117)
The revelation (pg 122)

she is assured (knows what she likes and what she hates, pg 109)
she is
she is hot headed (pg 115)
she holds onto her past (pg 120)
3)Tien Yee
he is calm (he told Beverly the story without evoking any hatred, pity or revulsion, pg 110)
he is dedicated (pg 112)

The most interesting segment is when…
The grandfather helped those involved in the war when he was a merchant and gave food and tea to them.

Story: Release

It is when the new neighbours were moving in. (pg 139)
When the new neighbour shouted at Eileen. (pg 139)
When the neighbour said the Eileen was like her dog. (pg 140)

It is when the puppies started whining and whimper in the night (pg 143)
Ironic resolution (pg 148)

She is helpful (volunteers to get suit, pg 140 & 141)
She is forgetful (forgot to get the suit, pg 140)
He cares only about himself (his meeting more important than garden, pg 143)
He finds work more important than Eileen (being away more than he was home , pg 145)
They are rude (she waved her hands to stop Eileen from talking any further, pg 140)
They act without thinking(she cuts down the guava tree without asking others first, pg 141)

The most interesting segment is when…
Eileen told the man to move the kennel to another side so that she and her baby can finally get some sleep but the man mistook what she said and killed the puppies instead.

Story: An Orbituary for Fifth Aunt Come Late

It is during the war and the writer did not know much about the fifth aunt. (pg 156)

When she was sent to live with ah ting’s family who will tack care of her bronchitis. (pg 160)
Complete resolution (pg 161)

She is clumsy (pg 149)
She is hardworking (160)
She is loving (pg 161)
She is caring (pg 153)
She is able to grow fast in terms of height. (some day her aunt was tall, some days she was short, pg 149)
She is a little bit forgetful. (“I can’t confirm that she wasn’t good- looking or smart or careful. Because I don’t know. Or don’t remember.”, pg 149)

The most interesting segment is when…
The author came back from staying with her neighbour after many years while doing odd jobs to earn money.

Story: Pastime

When Tai Poh made up the different stories(pg 213)
When Mr Lee said that everything he said earlier was just a story(pg 220)

When the man with the limp saw the girl in the MRT who looked like the person in the sepia coloured photo. (pg 215)
The revelation (pg 220)

1)Tai Poh
He is very creative when telling stories (he manages to mix both happy and sad emotions in a story, pg 213)
He looks out for his friends (when mr lee told tai poh that they should help each other and he nodded his head, pg 217 )
2)Mr Lee
He think things through carefully (he considers when is the best time to do what they need to do illegally to earn lots of money, pg 217-218)
He is smart (he knows what to do with the CCTV in the factory, pg 218)
3)The man with a limp
He is persistent (he did not agree to appear on television after years of torture, pg 214)
He is loyal (he would not confess anything even when freedom is offered, pg 213)

The most interesting segment is when…
Mr Lee told his story and made it seem like he was offering something to Tai Poh.

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