Sunday, January 24, 2010

Comments on people's contents of their blogs

Choose five (5) links and write comments of 50-100 words about the content of the blogs. (not design/pictures/layout) You must identify yourself.

Juvena :

Her contents in the blog all linked perfectly to the questions given and is relatively easy to understand what she is talking about in her posts.They are all short and sweet which everyone would not mind reading as all the points are stright forward and they all makes sense.


Her posts are long as they are filled with answers to the questions with great details. One example is the story Lee in question 4. She shows the difference between the younger generation and the older generation and also gives many examples and evidence to support whatever she says.


Points are all relavant to the stories and he also gives specific evidences from the stories that helps to answer the questions.He carefully explains the points that he states which makes it even more easier for us to understand what he means when he writes certain points to answer the questions.

Shu Min:

Points weather short or long are all easily understood as they are all done neatly and makes alot of sense unlike other blogs which makes no sense at all. Points given includes detailed evidence and examples from the stories like Tanjong Ruh in the first post on 24 Jan.


Points stated are all understandable whichever way you see it. They are all supported with evidence which are relavant to the points which makes it even more understandable. Points are done neatly and in an orderly maner due to the tables used to indicate points which links to people or situations.

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